Julia Moncla

Dancer and Choreographer

Julia Moncla was born in 1990 in France, trained in contemporary dance at the CNSMD in Lyon between 2008 and 2012. In 2012, with Thomas Demay and Paul Changarnier, Julia co-wrote the site-specific performance Etat des Lieux. Under the name of Collectif A/R, they have since continued to question and write for the stage space or in the public space: home (2017), L'homme de la rue (2018), Les îlets (2019) , FREE PLACEMENT (2021) and everything is temporary (2021). Their projects develop and travel in France, Europe (Norway, Spain, Germany, Italy..) and abroad (England, Switzerland, Burkina Faso, Russia..) Cover Photo © Michel Wiart Portrait Photo © Anne-Laure Etienne

Lab for Artists

Brainstorming/ Bodystorming with Peggy Olislaegers

Peggy OlislaegersJulia MonclaEmma DufiefMatthis Lainé SilasBérengère FournierClotilde Amprimoz

What does it mean to be an artist nowadays? In this lab internationally acclaimed dance activist Peggy Olislaegers will chall...


Concerns OutLoud

Mia HabisKhouloud YassineBintou DembéléJulia Moncla

A conversation at How much artists are protected and have the ability to decide their own paths. What do they need and how wo...

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Live festival and events reservoir of all performances, cultural multidisciplinary multicultural discourse.

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